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does anyone know how to make the Cruller Flower from John Christiansen. I've got a Shriner's competition coming up in September and would love to learn how to do this one ...

This is a promo video for Sigrid and his stuff is awesome! I really hope you like it. It is a lot of fun to watch him in person too. I highly suggest watching all of his videos even though they are in ...

Just playing artound one day last week. After we got 14 inches of rain in Missouri, I thought I could see a rainbow ...

Know of any place to learn lots of balloon animals quickly? Preferably lots but I'd accept just enough for now. Getting a supply of 260s is not going to be a problem. Just need to accelerate my learn ...

I'm debating on hosting a contest soon and wanted to ask the community what you would want as the prize/give-away for the winner. I'm thinking a pump, dvds, balloon magic subscription, or possibly eve ...

First off, let's explain the story that inspired the phot I'm using for the post. Friday night, restaurant gig at Vallartas Mexican Restaurant in Lutz/Land O' Lakes, and I was making balloons for all ...

An app for iPod, iPhone and iPad, "Font Animals" is a balloon animal font that allows you to send customized messages from any of the aforementioned devices. Available on iTunes for $2.49: "With the S ...

Your Balloon Man also creates one of a kind logos for companies wishing to have a little something extra at their event or location. This particular balloon sculpture is a blue lizard for the Blue Liz ...

Balloon animals are great fun, but imagine what it would be like to eat in the food court of your local mall and then suddenly have a multitude of nearly a hundred or more balloon artists twisting bal ...

Attending Twist and Shout in Boston this year, Mr. Fudge decided to record a little bit of his time there so that others like yourself could see some of the people that attend these types of conventio ...