Forum Thread: What are some situation comedy pieces for an act?

I have a book entitled Situation Comedy for Magicians by Clettis V. Musson and I LOVE the concept of the book. It talks about different things you can do durring an act or show that will help add humor to an act or performance.

One example from the book:
"A Bit Corny.
Have an ear of corn in your pocket or out of sight on the table. If a joke fails to register, say: "I used to be a mind reader and at this time I'm goign to give you a demonstration. You will begin to see the very thought that is goign through your minds." Pull out the ear of corn and hold it aloft."

Okay... That one was a little dated, but it still works for what I'm looking for here. Is there anything you do in your act that is situational comedy? Or is there anything you can think of that might be fun like this?

1 Response

I love asking a childs age because it gives me great lines I can use in my act. For instance, if the child says they're 6:

  • You're how old? (6) You're 66! Wow... You look great for your age!
  • You're Sick!? Aw... I'm sorry. Are you coming down with the pretty bug?
  • That's cool! I was the same age when I was 6 years old!
  • Wow! When I was your age, I wanted to be all grown up. Now that I'm all grown up, I wanna be your age.

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